
Showing posts from June, 2019

HISTORIC MURDERS OF PORTLAND: Carrie Bradley - Portland's First Female K...

Premiering July 3, 2019 (a little pre-Independence Day content), this fresh installment of my Historic Murders of Portland series was one that really sucked me in. This story followed a Portlander of the early 1880s named Carrie Bradley who ran, let's just say, a "house of ill repute". But in addition to attracting lots of men there to connect with women there was a great deal other crimes occurring in and out of this house, which may have included multiple murders. But the most well known one, the crime that would bring down Carrie Bradley's entire empire, and lots of cronies along with her, would be the brutal murder of James Nelson Brown, slaughtered in a room in Bradley's establishment in 1882. Click on the video below to get the full story!!!


It's been a while since I've used this blog, I think over a year. But I'm planning on utilizing this a bit more in correlation with my YouTube title of Steve the Amateur Historian. I have a YouTube channel under my name with an excess of 400 videos to this point. Lots of content on a variety of different things. Currently I am wrapped up in a probably unhealthy endeavor of looking into old murder cases that have occurred in my hometown of Portland, Oregon. I have produced some 50 videos on different cases for this series and have a good many that have not been published or gone live yet. I also have a playlist on my channel just for the videos in this series. But, anyway, going live at 11:30 a.m. tomorrow morning (in this case July 1, 2019), will be the next video in my series, with the link directly below here. It takes us back to 1924 and the shooting of a security guard named Joseph Coffin who was gunned down by a man named Maynard Cole who was identified as a "poli