I have been working on a series that I have titled “Mystery Murders” off and on for the last several months that focuses in, primarily, on a variety of different cases that have occurred in Oregon whether they be Jane Doe/John Doe cases, missing persons cases, unsolved cases, etc. To this point (end of January 2021) I have produced 15 episodes in the series, many of which have yet to be posted. One particular episode about a teenager named Joan Hall who vanished from Warrenton, Oregon back in 1983 was taken down after I received a barrage of harassment from a random assortment of people on the matter (but that’s a strange story for another day). But for the most part this videos have been well-received and people have noticed what I am trying to do with them with the limited resources I have (my greatest limiting resource is that I am doing these entirely on my own).
    I have yet to, unless I am forgetting someone, receive a comment from a family member of any of these victims, which I always admittedly dread because I worry about getting an aggressive response; something along the lines of, “How dare you talk about my family and this case!” And often threats of legal action will follow something like that. I know a lot of that’s just my anxiety, but I still worry about it and always hope anyone close to these victims I discuss will understand how much work I am putting into these videos that I’m certainly not doing it to stroke my YouTube ego (my channel is 3 1/2 years old and I’m up to a blistering 1,700 subscribers… hopefully you noted the sarcasm there).
    But this changed recently when I received a comment from the sister of one of the victim from the first case I discussed in this series. This first victim was a 17-year old named Rita Lorraine Jolly who went out for a nightly walk, as she often did, on June 29, 1973 and she never returned. She lived in the Portland suburb of West Linn, which is just due south of Portland. I’ve been there many times. I had family living there and I spent many years of my life living in the Milwaukie/Gladstone area just across the Willamette River from there. I’d frequently go on runs at Mary S. Young State Park, located in the town. While it’s considered a rather bougie area, at least in most parts, it was not quite to that same level or status back in the 70s. Rita’s sister described their area in the 70s, which was in the higher up hills of town, as more of a middle to lower middle class area where the homes were spread fairly far apart. Obviously, in the prevailing years spaces have been filled in as the population grows. Parts of West Linn up there, like the Rosemont neighborhood, still have streets that are fairly spread apart but for the most part thing have, as they often do… changed.
    Another element of the case that Rita’s sister clarified, which was very important to me because, not only had different sources given different explanations on this matter, but knowing this information as I had found it had led me to establish a possible theory on the matter in my video. This piece of information were the claims that Rita walked with a limp. Some sources implied she had suffered an injury and was recovering while others implied it was something of a lifelong affliction. Because of this I didn’t really know how far I should go with theorizing on the matter, but I couldn’t help but wonder: a teenage girl walking alone down the street with a limp? That would be, at least in a predator’s eyes, a pretty solid victim of opportunity. Rita’s sister verified to me that this limp was the result of a broken leg and thus something that would heal. She also expressed that any limp Rita may have had would’ve been minimal and barely noticeable. Now certainly this wouldn’t have eliminated her as a possible suspect for some predatory figure traveling in that area. She was still a teenage girl walking by herself. For some, that’s all they need to try and act.
    It’s also important to remember that this was a more rural area back then and it was the early 1970s. It was considered much safer back then to go out for walks by yourself. Serial killers and the like were still a fairly new phenomenon at the time and it wasn’t the way it is today where most of us have some level of fear every time we leave our homes. Often when I go for a walk my girlfriend tells me to be safe because… that’s just the world we live in now. But it wasn’t the world that Rita was living in. She was reportedly last seen around 8:30 to 9:00 p.m. walking in the vicinity of Sunset Avenue which travels downhill towards Interstate 205 going in the direction of the old Oregon City crossing bridge nearby. Rita reportedly was seen traveling uphill, meaning she would be walking in a northwesterly direction, likely on her way back home.
    It’s believed she met with foul play. There is no reason to think that Rita left on her own, especially considering the fact that she disappeared while engaging in a common activity that she’d engage in. There was nothing suspicious about what she was doing around the time that she vanished.
    I have seen it expressed that there have been 5 individuals considered as possible suspects, however the only one of these individuals that I have been able to establish any identity on is Ted Bundy. I did address Ted Bundy in my video on the matter and I almost want to redo my video (along with this newfound information) because my perspective on the Ted Bundy angle has shifted. When I did my video on Rita I did not have a lot of confidence that Bundy was a solid suspect, mainly because I did not see him just hanging out in the West Linn area when he would often stick to main freeways and highways when traveling around looking for a victim. This was one of many things that made me feel he was guilty of another Oregon case, the disappearance of Eugene resident Vicki Hollar. Hollar vanished from Eugene on August 20, 1973. The cases of Rita and Vicki have often been intertwined because they were unsolved disappearances that both occurred in Oregon and happened less than two months apart. I was able to establish that Bundy frequently traveled from Washington down to California during the summer of 1973, putting him on Interstate 5 going north and south. I-5 just happens to go right through Eugene where Hollar disappeared from. This, along with other aspects in the case, have led me to believe that Ted Bundy was responsible for Vicki Hollar’s disappearance.
    Hollar was last seen leaving her workplace around 5:00 p.m. on August 20th and was supposed to be going to a party a little later on. These two facts would lead me to believe that she was heading straight home after work. She’d be tired and want to rejuvenate herself and also get ready for the party. She worked within a mile of where she lived which makes it very strange that she apparently didn’t make it. There were five people living in her apartment at the time, which leads me to believe at least one of her four roommates would have been home to see her if she made it there. So I theorize something must have happened between work and home. I then found in a newspaper that Vicki was an incredibly generous and helpful person who would always go out of her way to help someone in need. Hearing that I immediately flashed on Lake Sammamish State Park; July 14, 1974. Ted Bundy travelled to this State Park, located just east of Seattle, with a mock cast on and manipulated two women, Janice Ott and Denise Naslund, into providing him assistance as he appeared to be injured. He lured these two women away from the park and murdered both of them on the same day. I then saw that form of manipulation being matched with Vicki Hollar’s tendency to want to help those in need and Ted Bundy possibly using that method to get her to stop and help him on her way home. Things could have gone different from this obviously in a situation wherein Bundy could have still been responsible for Hollar’s disappearance. But still, that became a solid theory in my mind.
    Also, considering the potential that they may both have been victims of Ted Bundy and possibly abducted using the same method, I was thrown as to how similar both Vicki Hollar and Desise Naslund were in appearance. I have a comparison of the two below. Not exact lookalikes, but definitely a strong resemblance.

            DENISE NASLUND                                  VICKI HOLLAR

    Something I discovered however, which I did not find before doing Rita’s video but did find before doing my next video on Vicki Hollar, is the fact that Ted Bundy, not long before being executed, admitted to killing three women in Oregon. The only official victim of Bundy from the state of Oregon was Roberta Kathleen Parks, who vanished from Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon on May 6, 1974. If Bundy is telling the truth and, despite his reputation, there’s little reason to believe he is lying on this matter of three victims in Oregon. This is a guy who, up until pretty much the end, continuously denied being responsible for any murders before finally opening up when he realized his days were numbered. It appears much of what he actually admitted to in that last little stretch of his life were factual in nature so I am led to believe he was telling the truth when he said he killed three in Oregon. The only real deception I would potentially yield from that is: maybe he killed even more in Oregon. But that may also just be my imagination running wild.
    But that still stuck with me: Bundy admits killing three women in Oregon. We have Kathy Parks… that leaves two other victims. We, potentially, have Vicki Hollar… that leaves one more victim. This led me to do some further investigation, again, this being a couple weeks after I had already done my video on Rita Jolly. I started digging and digging, trying to find every missing person or unsolved murder case from the state of Oregon encompassing primarily the time period of the beginning on 1972 up until August of 1974. This is the time period in which it would have been most likely for Bundy to take victims in the state of Oregon. On February 1, 1974 Bundy murdered University of Washington student Lynda Ann Healy. Healy is the first verified murder of Ted Bundy and thus many people believe this is when his murderous spree began. However, he attacked and nearly killed another woman a month earlier. She just happened to survive. But this alone shows Bundy didn’t just suddenly become a killer when the calendar started to read: February 1974.
    Bundy had been in a relationship with a woman named Stephanie Brooks, who broke it off with him, citing his immaturity and lack of ambition. Bundy then, seemingly, turned his life around and became a staple of ambition in the state of Washington, with many believing he’d achieve a high up political position in the state some day, possibly even becoming governor. He then rekindled his relationship with Brooks, now that he was a more ambitious man only to suddenly sever all ties with her in January 1974. This event has been used as the spark that began his murder spree. Brooks was known to have brunette hair that was parted down the middle (just like Rita Jolly) and many of Lundy’s later victims also had this type of hair. It’s been argued Bundy was really killing Stephanie Brooks each time he killed one of these women. This begs the question of why he never actually went after her directly. Also, this was the 1970s. Lots of women had hair parted down the middle. It was the norm. I don’t mean to dismiss the theory. I just don’t believe this whole Stephanie Brooks experience pushed him from a kinda weird guy to a brutal rapist killer. Maybe it was a catalyst that kicked things up a notch, but I don’t believe Bundy started his killing in February 1974… and neither do most investigators on the matter.
    Some believe Bundy was killing as early as 1961 when an 8-year old girl who lived near where Bundy lived vanished from her home and has never been seen since. There are a few other scattered unsolved murder cases from the 1960s that some feel Bundy may have been tied to but, more definitively, investigators genuinely believe Bundy was killing steadily at least as early as 1972. So that’s where I started in looking into cases. My logistically cutoff point was August 1974. This is when Ted Bundy left Washington, after presumably murdering several women, and relocated to Salt Lake City, Utah to attend the University of Utah Law School. More than likely he was just trying to flee his past. All of his victims over the next year were killed in Utah, Colorado or Idaho. He was arrested on August 16, 1974 and despite a few escapes there is no reason to believe he was anywhere year Oregon or Washington. This is especially the case after his second escape when he fled east and was ultimately busted in Florida after going on a psychotic killing spree at a sorority house at Florida State University.
    The most likely time for Bundy to get victims in Oregon, again, would have been between 1972 and August, 1974. I used this time period to focus in on my search, even finding a massive database full of unsolved murders and missing persons cases. I’m fairly certain any mystery case from this period would be found here and by the time my research was done there were only seven women who fit the bill of mysteriously disappearing or dying during this period. It seemed more than likely to me that two of these seven women were the other two unnamed victims Bundy admitted to killing in Oregon.
    The four of the seven I pretty quickly reached the personal conclusion were not victims of Ted Bundy are listed and discussed below:

Alma Jean Barra, 28, murdered on March 23, 1972. On the evening of March 23rd Alma, who also went by the name “Jeannie” was seen leaving a rather notorious bar in southeast Portland known as the New Copper Penny (recently demolished) with a mystery man. Her body was found shortly after discarded in the Willamette National Cemetery on the far end of southeast Portland, a couple miles from the New Copper Penny. Her killer has never been identified. I don’t believe Bundy was responsible here as it was not his M.O. to hang out with potential victims, especially in a place like a crowded bar where lots of people could potentially identify him later on. If this mystery man is responsible for Barra’s death, he was hanging out in her company and seen leaving with her. The only instance where Bundy really made his presence known in a crowded area was when he abducted and killed two women from Lake Sammanish State Park. But even then, he was madly disguised and he was likely flying under the radar till he found his desired victims. Also, a crowded state park out in the open is vastly different from a dingy bar in southeast Portland. I think Barra likely found herself mixed up with a sketchy local with whom she left with and was killed by later on. Again, this was a notorious bar and always has been.
Barbara Ann Bryson, 19, disappeared on July 15, 1972. As will also be the case for the fourth woman on this list, a key reason I do not believe Barbara Ann Bryson was a victim of Ted Bundy was due to how far off the main drag she was when she disappeared. Bryson was last seen at a party in the town of Stayton, about 10 miles southeast of Salem down Highway 22. I’ve been down this stretch and I do not, in any way, shape or form see Ted Bundy veering so far off the freeway down a random highway that, at best, would lead him through a few tiny towns when he had Salem right there and places like Albany and Corvallis close by. The circumstances surrounding how Bryson vanished from this party are scant at best and she is sadly one of those case where little to no evidence is available.
Sue Wickersham, 17, disappeared and murdered on July 11, 1973. Sue Wickersham was last seen when she dropped a family car off for her mother to use in the central Oregon town of Bend. At first this was another case where I dismissed Bundy as likely being responsible because Bend is a little out of the way (and it was more of a shoddy rural town back in the 1970s), but I started shifting that perspective and feeling she was maybe even more likely a victim of Bundy than Rita Jolly. But two things changed my mind. One is the fact that her remains were discovered in January 1976 just off Highway 97. In addition to the fact that Bundy usually put a little more effort into hiding remains when he was in a position to hide them, the remains of Wickersham that were discovered were found to have a bullet hole in the skull. This was not Bundy’s method. He didn’t shoot his victims. He choked or beat them to death. Also, I saw a few months back while doing some research that an individual that also went by the name of Wickersham (so I can only assume this was a relative of Sue’s) commented on a Facebook posting that Bundy was looked into and dismissed as being potentially responsible for Sue’s murder. These two elements of Sue’s case were pieces of information I had yet to find when I did my Vicki Hollar video so I was not quite as convinced in that video that Sue was not a Bunny victim.
Virginia Erickson, 32, disappeared on October 21, 1973. This one, I feel, is the one I’m most certain was not Ted Bundy. First off, at 32-years of age, Erickson was much older than the victims Bundy targeted, who were often between the ages of 17 and 24, with a few exceptions. Erickson was also last seen in a small town (Sweet Home) quite a ways off the main drag. Erickson was last seen leaving a store in Sweet Home which, even based on my own personal experience, is a fairly seedy town. It’s also believed by many that Erickson was murdered by her reportedly abusive husband.

This leaves us with three women to account for two unknown victims and two of these are Rita Jolly and Vicki Hollar. The third in this dynamic, who I dismissed as being a likely Bundy victim, is 16-year old Deborah Lee Tomlinson. But even in going back and reviewing my discussion of this in my YouTube video about Vicki Hollar I can see that I was not quite as certain in other instances that she was not a Bundy victim. Tomlinson was a frequent runaway from Creswell, Oregon who reportedly ran away from home with a teenage friend on October 15, 1973 and was never seen again. One thing that leaves the Tomlinson case at least somewhat up for consideration is the fact that Creswell is located right along Interstate 5, which Bundy was known to travel up and down from time to time. Considering the fact that Tomlinson and her friend were running away together, it’s definitely possible they would have made their way up along the Interstate and tried to hitch a ride. Could they have hitched one from Ted Bundy? It’s possible but the odds are fairly long.
    It’s also important to remember that this was the 1970s and there were numerous women, especially young ones, hitchhiking along I-5 back in the 1970s and some of them met with death at the hands of someone who couldn’t have been Ted Bundy. There was an extensive article I found in a 1975 paper discussing the perils of young women who were hitchhiking in Oregon, many of whom knew the danger and yet continued to hitchhike. There was Martha Morrison, who was a frequent runaway who vanished from Portland on September 1, 1974. Her remains were discovered a little over a month later and were not identified until 2017 using DNA testing. She, for a long time, was considered a possible Ted Bundy victim until her remains were identified and it was found she had been killed by William Forrest, a serial killer working out of the Vancouver, Washington area. Interestingly enough, Forrest was someone that I considered as a possible culprit in the Rita Jolly case, something that’s still possible but definitely something I am calling more into question now.
    Another case that I covered over a year ago and recently reassessed in a new video that will be out soon is the case of 17-year old Tina Michelle Migis. Migis was another frequent runaway who after being tracked down in Yreka, California was put on a bus on October 3, 1975 to be sent back home to Portland. Somewhere between the towns of Roseburg and Eugene she got off the bus and never got back on. She was last seen on October 6th hitchhiking along an I-5 onramp in Eugene. The following day, October 7, her headless body was found in a ditch just north of Salem and the day after that her head was discovered on a farm just east of Salem. She was another case of a young girl who chose to hitchhike and it likely led to her death. But her case occurred while Ted Bundy was in jail. So certainly Deborah Lee Tomlinson could have been another case of a young girl hitchhiking during the 1970s and it leading to her disappearance and/or demise.
    I mainly found it unlikely in part because Tomlinson left with another friend, with the idea that they would be traveling together. Now to this point I have not been able to establish the identity of the friend she left with, which leads me to believe possibly her whereabouts afterward were established. But I cannot say for sure. Whatever the case, Bundy did not mess with a potential victim if they were moving along with someone else. He did things in a one-on-one setting. So even if Ted Bundy just happened to be traveling in the vicinity of Creswell at that time he would have passed Tomlinson on by if she was hitchhiking or even just walking along the road with another person. Overall I put the Deborah Lee Tomlinson case here by itself because I am not quite as sure that she was not a Bunny victim as the other four listed above, but I still feel its rather doubtful.
    If you dismiss those five then there’s only two left to fit for two victims: Vicki Hollar and Rita Jolly. Now, before getting too ahead of ourselves there are other things to consider. There may have been other people that disappeared that were either of age and/or not concerned about who disappeared during this time but there’s just not a lot of information out there so their cases can fly under the radar. Just as well, while Ted Bundy was fairly sure he killed three women in Oregon, two of whom remain unidentified. Perhaps he was wrong or confused. These are unfortunately considerations that need to be pondered wherein we do not have an answer. This is not a place where certainties can be established. All I can say is what I feel based on what little evidence exists in relation to this particularly tragic piece of Oregon history; the disappearing of two young women who had so much ahead of them to experience in life. As it stands, I have to say, regardless of what I said in the video I produced several months ago, it’s looking more and more to me like Rita Jolly may have fallen victim to the notorious and deplorable Ted Bundy.
    Hopefully, one day, we will have the final answers to at least some of these questions. Rita Jolly’s dental records as well s DNA are available for testing so it’s always possible we may find the answers we seek.


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