
Showing posts from February, 2018

The Term "Conspiracy Theorist"

...ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN OCTOBER, 2013... I just want to take a moment to discuss the term “conspiracy theorist”. Obviously, with regards to the assassination of President Kennedy I am a believer in a conspiracy. However, I believe there was a conspiracy involved after studying the case for over 20 years. I have studied, in depth, the evidence and what the case against Lee Harvey Oswald would be, without the biases of those in power and those who would benefit in having him take the fall and presumed guilty in the public’s mind. Having studied the established suspect and been convinced beyond any doubt that he was not an assassin and that if he was involved he was involved which others, which has been denied by the official conclusions, the conclusion to be reached has to be that a conspiracy took place. I believe in certain cases in our country that there was a conspiracy that took place. In further studies I have become convinced that the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Victoria Adams & Sandra Styles - In the Aftermath

While these are two both widely known stories in the realm of the Kennedy Assassination and what happened in the immediate aftermath, I had only considered one of them (the first one of the two mentioned below) really in regards to understanding the time figures in which things happened. But now, in putting them both together I realize they create a very interesting picture in regards to that never ending question: did Lee Harvey Oswald kill the President? These two elements are listed below: 1) Dallas Officer Marion Baker ran into the Texas School Book Depository and encountered Oswald in the second floor lunchroom, officially, 90 seconds after the shooting. Thus, Oswald managed to shoot the President, run across the 6th floor and down four sets of stairs in less than 90 seconds. 2) Two Depository employees, Victoria Adams and Sandra Styles, were on the fourth floor of the building when the shooting happened and left the floor right after the shooting to go downstairs and see what w

The Boy in the Box - Why I Study Crime

I should probably be asleep right now. It's pushing one in the morning and I have to be up before eight for a film shoot, but oh well, I'm young. I can't help but feel the urge to reflect on something. I have studied famous crimes in America for years. It's always intrigued me and anyone who knows me knows about my interests in crime. And I do get the periodic critique by those who don't understand why I do what I do and who look at this interest as a waste of time. Sadly, those who often throw this critique at me are people who think your free time is for little more than wasting. But it's a back and forth type of affair. They don't understand why I spend the time I do studying crime and I don't understand how they can be so passive towards it. The Kennedy assassination is my major area of study; I've been studying it since I was only 7-years old and I know most aspects of it inside and out. The reason I've dedicated so much study towards it is

Remembering a Forgotten Tragedy

Yesterday I found my mind wandering a little at work. It wasn't a particularly busy day and I began reflecting back on something much more important than any film or web series. And, like most thoughts, it came about through reflection on something else entirely. For some reason, while on my break at work, I started thinking about how much I hate most serial killer related films because so many of them try and take on that crazed psychedelic feel that is just so disassociated from reality. I've always been an avid studier of crime, as some of my earlier postings show, and I have studied serial killers a good deal, mostly because of the psychological aspect of them. But thinking on that transitioned into thinking about all of the bad serial killer films done out there with the exception of very few, such as "Zodiac", which is one of my favorite movies. More than anything else, I love it because it doesn't glorify or create another misguided example of psychedelia,

THE LITTLE THINGS: Governor Connally's Lapel Flap

After the release of the film "JFK" back in 1991, which was followed by a renewed interest in the case by the American public it is interesting that there was a sudden backlash from lone assassin theorists. Their rebuttal to the Oliver Stone film was Gerald Posner's absurdly misguiding and misguided publication "Case Closed", which practically said the Warren Commission got it right because..... and then he just presented everything they argued. It was practically a contemporary recreation of the Warren Report, accompanied by an excess of unsubstantiated claims and misrepresentations of events in an effort to keep the official story alive and kicking. One of the strongest pieces of evidence that came about in the early 1990s in defense of the Single Bullet Theory proposed by the Warren Commission was a moment in the famous Abraham Zapruder film, at frame 224 to be exact. I included the .GIF directly above for you to see for yourself. You can clearly see

Response to an Inept YouTube Video

LINK:  Lee Harvey Oswald Admits Guilt 20 Times This is, officially one of the most inept things I have ever seen (in reference to the link above - in case you're interested in watching) and whoever made it not only has less than a novice understanding of the assassination of President Kennedy but a novice understanding of the difference between presumption and proof. This video was so ridiculous that it didn’t even make me mad in watching someone so grossly misrepresent a national tragedy, but I almost started laughing. And so, just for shits and giggles, I will address each of these 20 pieces of so-called proof that suggest Oswald “admitted” his guilt (even though nearly all of these reasons are not statements he made, or rather “admissions”). So here we go round the helter skelter! 1. AT THE EXACT MOMENT JFK IS SHOT OSWALD WENT UPSTAIRS FOR A COKE. Okay. In Oswald’s statement of his events he said he ate his lunch in the first floor domino room, and then when h

THE LITTLE THINGS: Oswald's Bus Transfer

One of the most significant, and yet often ignored, pieces of evidence in the case against Lee Harvey Oswald is the bus transfer that was supposedly found on his person when he was arrested in the Texas Theatre. There are two stories as to how Oswald left Dealey Plaza only minutes after the assassination. There is the official story, which states that Oswald left the Depository at approximately 12:33 p.m. He reportedly walked several blocks north on Elm Street where he caught a bus at approximately 12:38. Despite the argument that he was fleeing the scene because he had just murdered the President of the United States, he boarded a bus travelling back towards Dealey Plaza. Once the bus became stranded, Oswald deboarded the bus at approximately 12:44 and flagged down a taxi cab at 12:48. The cab took him to Oak Cliff, where he lived. He was dropped off at approximately 12:54 and arrived at his rooming house at 1:00 p.m. Timed tests performed, with less traffic, showed a taxi could not

The Roger Craig Story

...ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN 2012... We all know someone who has shown great strength and courage in these lives, and these individuals are only more impressive when they have acted courageous and spoken out with such honesty and fearlessness over their actions. That said I’m sure if I mentioned the name Roger Craig most people would say, “Who?” It’s unfortunate, not that everyone should be expected to know of every single remotely significant individual who has ever lived in American history but it’s just sad for someone like me who knows his story and that despite what he sacrificed he looms practically unknown in the history books. Craig was a motivated and intelligent southerner who by the early 1960s was a young officer with the Dallas Police Department in Texas. He won an officer of the year report despite being one of the youngest officers on the force. He appeared to have a bright future in law enforcement looming ahead of him... until November 22nd, 1963. With President John F.