The Term "Conspiracy Theorist"


I just want to take a moment to discuss the term “conspiracy theorist”. Obviously, with regards to the assassination of President Kennedy I am a believer in a conspiracy. However, I believe there was a conspiracy involved after studying the case for over 20 years. I have studied, in depth, the evidence and what the case against Lee Harvey Oswald would be, without the biases of those in power and those who would benefit in having him take the fall and presumed guilty in the public’s mind. Having studied the established suspect and been convinced beyond any doubt that he was not an assassin and that if he was involved he was involved which others, which has been denied by the official conclusions, the conclusion to be reached has to be that a conspiracy took place.
I believe in certain cases in our country that there was a conspiracy that took place. In further studies I have become convinced that the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert Kennedy were also conspiracies (again, after ample problems have arisen in each case). In recent cases, I am thoroughly convinced that the Oklahoma City Bombing and, extremely recently, I believe there was conspiratorial activity regarding the Sandy Hook shootings last year (I am planning on writing something about what I have learned about that case later on). But I don’t believe that every single American tragedy or assassination/assassination attempt that has ever occurred has some conspiracy attached to it. I do find it interesting that most successful assassination attempts have been followed by sloppy/compromised police investigations and extensive evidence of conspiratorial activity and yet many unsuccessful assassination attempts, such as the two perpetrated against former President Gerald Ford, have been shown to legitimately be the workings of a lone assassin (which has been posed in all these major assassination from the 20th Century).
Now it is often the objective of lone assassination theorists and particularly those in the media who have the obvious intention of following the official line, especially since most media is owned and controlled by those in high places, to constantly belittle and defile those who support even one conspiracy of the multiples that have likely occurred. It is always presented that conspiracy theorists are these wild people who think there is a conspiracy behind everything, and granted there are people out there like this who believe there is a conspiracy for everything (such as the quirky rumors that somehow the Bush Administration was responsible for Hurricane Katrina happened… his responsibilities in the aftermath certainly leaves something to be desired, but it’s insane to act like he or any single human being or political entity could create a massive hurricane, of which several happen every year). But that is the objective pushed by many, that everyone who believes in any type of conspiratorial activity are all exactly the same, and they’re all loose cannon, deranged lunatics. Such is an outright lie and doesn’t take more than five minutes to see through if you’re actually looking. It’s also incredibly disrespectful for those conspiracy supporters who have reached those conclusions after extensive research and examination of various cases. And then they get insulted by members of the media who haven’t taken ten minutes to look at any of the evidence but merely use their talents for chattering and constant interruption so that when one who defends a conspiracy ever gets the rare opportunity to go on the air on a major network they only get a few small ideas out before they’re quashed. It’s truly astonishing and I have practically no respect for any of the major news networks. I feel like Fox News is a bit of a scapegoat in that they are more bias than the other major networks and yet the portrayal is that they are astronomically worse than the others. But in the end they’re pretty much all the same.
It does bother me how simple it is for people to try and keep hidden in their cocoons. I know the feeling. I did it for years before I finally started thinking for myself instead of compromising my thinking so I wouldn’t have to face those serious questions about where I live and the history of that place. As I have often said in response to those who overly criticize or overly propel our country: America is a beautiful and wonderful place. It’s only problem is the stupidity of it’s people. And I don’t exclude myself from that. Back in 2003 when post-9/11 America dived into battle with Iraq. I felt we were justified and felt Iraq played a hand in the 9/11 attacks as many people did and I just went with what the government was telling us. After all, we’re a much stronger and moral country than we were back in the 60s and 70s when all those assassinations were going on along with things such as the Vietnam War and Watergate, right? And why have assassination attempts against Presidents suddenly stopped? Because none of them are willing to challenge the powers that be, those who have powers even greater than their own. It astounds me, not that there are people out there who refuse to believe that those in power in our own country would be behind things so horrible as Presidential assassinations, the bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City and even the collapse of the Twin Towers back in 2001, but what does astound me is that people choose to naively believe in such a way without knowing anything about these events. I always hear these updated polls about what percentage of the American people believe that there was a conspiracy in the case of President Kennedy’s assassination and I think, “So what?” We see these polls and how an overwhelming majority of American’s believe there was a conspiracy and just say, “Sure! The government always lies so of course they did that.” That’s no reason to believe in a conspiracy and, frankly, who cares about a polls taken in which maybe 5% of the people surveyed know anything about the event they’re providing an opinion for? I don’t want to know the perspectives from people who are ignorant of a particular event. I know practically nothing about space exploration so what should anyone think about my opinion as far as what actions should be taken to progress our abilities for space exploration? Such is a rhetorical question.
So I feel it’s very unfortunate that those who don’t know anything about these problematic and likely conspiratorial cases choose to believe in one way or another without the necessary information and research to come to a legitimate opinion. And yet such is how so many people behave. I feel a sense of hope for the future in that so many young people of my generation are looking into these cases more and becoming more intelligent about the workings and goings on in our country today. Hopefully they’ll overcome those ignorant people in our country who either out of simple ignorance or out of being spoiled or privileged, and thus don’t need to worry about the problems of our country, choose to disbelieve or ignore that there are serious problems in our country. I just wanted to write this brief piece to expose the inaccurate portrayal in which many conspiracy theorists have been presented through, and hopefully many of the postings I have placed here have shown to be in depth, focused and to be the written words of a sane person and not some lunatic spouting off conspiracy for everything that has ever happened. Remember everyone: think for yourselves!


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